
The ARCA project runs for three years. During the first year, we are carrying out a large survey study among all active academic researchers in Amsterdam. At the end of May 2017, the survey will be sent out to all active researchers of the 4 academic institutions in Amsterdam. We expect to have the first results by the end of 2017.

Year two

The second year of the project is devoted to focus groups where we will investigate researchers’ s conceptions on the preventability of research misbehaviours. We will discuss the survey results with researchers from different disciplinary fields and different academic ranks to collect more in-depth knowledge on research misbehaviours and try to find interventions that may help fostering responsible research practices.

Year three

Finally, we will pilot two interventions based on the survey and focus group results. Firstly, we will set up moral case deliberation groups specifically devoted to research integrity dilemmas. Secondly, we will design a training for novice PhD mentors (those supervising PhDs for the first time) to enable them to mentor more effectively, fostering young researchers who take research integrity seriously.

Our study is endorsed by the deans from all four Academic institutions in Amsterdam. If you are keen to see those endorsements, click above. If you would like to learn more about our research, you can read our research protocol.